Friday, December 31, 2010

Welcome 2011!!!

The coming of a new year always makes me so optimistic for the possibilities a fresh start brings. I always try to subscribe to the belief that one need not wait for January 1st to make positive changes or wait for a Monday to start a diet. However, I can't help but get caught up in the excitement of a new chance to reinvent myself.

I've been thinking about what my goals for this new year would be. Those of you who know me (and let's face it, there's only 4 of you... and you all know me) are welcome to offer "suggestions." Alphabetically or in order of significance would be most helpful in wading through the volumes I'm sure will be forthcoming!

  • Blog more often.
  • Lose those last few (or 50) pounds still hanging off my backside (I'm hoping that 40 of those pounds are just extra skin from the first 120 pounds... just lie to me and tell me that's it... please!).
  • Go to the gym and exercise (and hope the flapping extra skin from above doesn't hit me in the head and knock me unconscious).
  • Get rid of 80% of the excess clutter we have lying around. I'm pretty good about it, but I've been so overwhelmed lately, a lot has piled up. I've got to tackle the office and the dreaded "closet under the stairs." The office is filled with the skeletons of hobbies gone by.
  • Finally get those scrapbooks done. I haven't scrapbooked in awhile, and I really miss it. I got a couple of great kits, so it should really be fairly painless. I just need to make the time to do it.
  • Learn how to scrapbook digitally.
  • Teach myself to REALLY sew and knit, not just the "faking it" that I've been doing.
  • Spend time more time with my boys... being in the moment (unlike now where we're watching tv on the couch together and I'm typing a blog post).
Also at this time of year, I like to reflect on the millions of blessings in my life.
First of all. There's these 3:

I was lucky enough to marry a man who really, really loves me. I know you'll all find this a little hard to believe, but I can be a little difficult to live with at times. Big Daddy takes it all and stride and loves me all the same.

And those 2 babies. I don't when or where or what it was, but somewhere along the line I must have done something good in order to get not 1 but *2* miracle babies. The Big One takes after his mama in that he can be a little much to handle from time to time, but he does everything BIG. He loves big and his lives big. He makes me smile every day.

And The Little One? I still can't get over The Little One. He was the most unexpected surprise ever and he brings us joy every single day. He is as sweet as can be, and his smile still melts my heart every single time. I was content and grateful with one miracle. I never asked God for another, and boy did He surprise us! I enjoy every day with him. He's a living doll.

We've had a rather rough 2010. There were quite a few bumps along the way, but we've stuck it out and held on tight to each other. When one of us didn't feel strong enough to hang on, the other one held on tight enough for both of us. Honestly, it was usually Big Daddy. We're looking forward to 2011 having learned a lot of hoping to apply it and take 2011 by the horns.

The Big One started a new school this year. This place has been such a blessing to us. We're so grateful. People have welcomed us into the family, and we couldn't be more thrilled. Everyone from administrators to teachers to fellow parents.

So... what are you grateful for from 2010? What are you goals for 2011?


  1. Happy New Year my Friend! I still think about our IM's when my own miracle baby was so tiny. You helped me walk through some tough times. I will be forever grateful for you!

    I say BE in the moment as much as you can with yoru boys....but BLOG all the in-between parts!

    Rutabagas Forever!

  2. What a nice post, Neen. So glad I could be of a little help.

  3. I somehow missed this post, but it was good to hear from you again. I say blog when you can, enjoy those boys, and try to find a crop to attend. Thanks for all the dietary encouragement you've given me recently. Being sick threw me off course, but I'm getting back on tomorrow. I'm down a pants size (which means my pants fit the way they are supposed to instead of choking me to death) and I'm thrilled with that, but I don't wan to stop there. Your success and encouragement gave me the courage to try again...thank you.
